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February 02, 2016

Dinner for one: tilapia fillet, fresh salad and hasselback sweet potato for 3

Hey there,
I'm all alone this evening so I decided to start writing about my dinner already. For the past few weeks I've never been alone in my apartment: I'm living together with my boyfriend now! So I can't really get used to being by myself again. I played "El Camino", a great album by the Black Keys, quite loud (sorry neighbours!) but it's still a bit quiet at the dinner table, haha!

So what did I eat. A bit of a leftover meal, to be honest: hasselback sweet potato, rocket lettuce salad and tilapia fillet. I'm so full.. Seriously, that sweet potato could've fed two more people! Also, the sweet potato was a bit overcooked and burned on the edges. I will write down what I did below, but please make sure it's adjusted to your oven so you won't make the same mistake I did! I'll add a picture at the bottom of this post. First, the recipe...

What I used: 
- 1 sweet potato
- 1 tilapia fillet
- rocket lettuce, 20g
- half a sweet bell pepper
- soft goats cheese
- white wine vinegar
- honey
- olive oil
- salt and pepper
- (fresh) rosemary

What I did: 
  • Heat up the oven to 220 degrees. My potato was a bit too dark, so maybe 200 degrees works better for your oven. 
  • First I washed the sweet potato and cut off some of the blacker parts. I made thin cuts of about half a centimetre wide, cutting until 3/4 of the potato. Don't cut all the way through or you'll have separate parts like I did. (oops)
  • Then I cut up some rosemary leaves and added this to a bowl with olive oil, salt and pepper. I mixed it all together and then I dripped it over the potato. Make sure there's oil in between the slices, too! Not too much though: you want the potato to be crispy, not soggy.
  • Place the potato in the oven for 45 minutes to an hour. 
  • Meanwhile, heat up a frying pan and season the tilapia with some salt, pepper and lemon juice if you prefer. Fry the fish for 8 minutes total. 
  • While the fish is cooking, cut up the sweet bell pepper and make a vinaigrette by combining 2 tablespoons olive oil and 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar. Add some honey to taste: I used around 1 tablespoon.
  • Combine the rocket lettuce with the bell pepper and the vinaigrette in a bowl. Crumble some pieces of the soft goat cheese over it and your salad is done!
  • When both the fish and the potato are cooked you can serve. 
It was quite a nice combination: I'm not sure yet if I like the thick texture of sweet potatoes yet, so the freshness of the salad was a good side dish. Not that special, but perfect if you're out of inspiration.

Well, that's it for today guys! See you tomorrow with another recipe. Thanks for reading, hope you are having a good day!

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